Category: Pregnancy

  • What Did You Crave When You Were Pregnant?

    What Did You Crave When You Were Pregnant?

    That’s one of the common questions people will ask you when they know you’re pregnant. “Any unusual cravings?” In my case, I never craved anything TOO weird. I was hot on raspberry lemonade and PB&Js – but I’ve always liked those 2 things anyways. I want to hear YOUR stories though. What’s the strangest thing…

  • How to Choose a Prenatal Vitamin

    How to Choose a Prenatal Vitamin

    If you’re planning on getting pregnant, you should really start taking a prenatal vitamin right away, before conception. But if you weren’t aware of that, and you’re already pregnant and in the market for a prenatal vitamin – don’t sweat it. Just get started with a prenatal as soon as you can. Taking a prenatal…